Congratulations to the Recipient of the First Derek Miller Award!


Congratulations to Samantha O’Callaghan, Recipient of the Air-Met Scientific Derek Miller Award!

Air-Met Scientific is delighted to have finally announced the recipient of the inaugural Air-Met Scientific Derek Miller Award at the FAMANZ Asbestos 2023 Conference and Exhibition in New Zealand.

A big congratulations to Samantha O’Callaghan, the Principal Hazardous Materials Consultant at Hibbs, on being awarded the Air-Met Scientific Derek Miller Award. Garnering over 10 years of industry experience, Samantha has demonstrated excellence in her pursuit of asbestos and hazardous material risk management and safety, using her keen knowledge and insight into the field to shape best practices in key industry environments.

Air-Met Scientific Derek Miller Award | Air-Met Scientific

Samantha is passionate about health and the environment and firmly believes that education and specialised training can empower stakeholders to comprehend both the actual and perceived risks associated with asbestos without endangering the environment, workers' health, or the community.

With her extensive experience in asbestos and hazardous material management and her unwavering dedication to promoting asbestos best practices, Samantha has earned a reputation for successfully implementing informed programs for asbestos removal and enhanced risk management.

As the recipient of this professional development award, Samantha will be travelling to attend an international asbestos conference of her choice including BOHS FAAM, Asbestonomy, and the European Asbestos Forum. The sponsored trip will include flights, accommodation and airport transfers in addition to registration for the selected conference. Air-Met Scientific is confident that this will be a valuable experience for Samantha that will aid her in further developing her understanding and knowledge in the field of asbestos as well as enable her to continue making meaningful contributions to the industry.

Congratulations again to Samantha on receiving the first Air-Met Scientific Derek Miller Award, selected for her strenuous efforts in improving safety in asbestos management, and presented in encouragement of her future contributions to the industry.

Interested in applying for the Air-Met Scientific Derek Miller Award? Keep an eye out for when applications open for the next award here.

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Wed. 22 Mar 2023

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Congratulations to the Recipient of the First Derek Miller Award!